Flower arranging as a form of meditation

It The term self-care is not just a buzzword, it’s a necessity.

In a world dominated by constant notifications, ad pop-ups, mindless scrolling, and numerous apps we update daily to remain ‘relevant’ – it is no wonder most of us are digitally depleted.

Whilst the end of the year is still a few months away, a new season is about to begin in a few weeks. It’s a great time to reset and come out of the winter hibernation.

Flower arranging is a beautiful and calming practice that can be used as a form of meditation. The process of selecting and arranging each flower with care and attention can help you to focus on the present moment and find a sense of peace. You can experiment with different varieties of flowers, colors, and textures to create a unique and beautiful arrangement that reflects your personal style and taste, and flower arranging can be a wonderful way to unwind and connect with nature.

There are actually studies to prove that flowers have a powerful way to help us unwind:

·       When you’re in the zone, or flow, you can appreciate the simple joys of life, appreciate their vibrant colours and refreshing scents – enough for us to invoke calmness

·      Flowers’ natural beauty has a deeply moving effect on our emotions and offers healing properties that can boost energy and feed your soul.

·      As you place each stem in a vase, you’re engaging in mindfulness as you’re creating your very own design that is unique to you.

·       Research has shown that being around flowers and plants can enhance creativity, boost energy levels, and create a sense of calm and relaxation. Incorporating flowers into your daily life is a wonderful self-care practice that will quickly and naturally nurture your mental and emotional well-being

·      When you stop and pause and create your own arrangement, in your hectic day pause, breathe, and cherish the simple joys of life. Some flowers can even purify the air, making your living space prettier and healthier.

Whilst it may sound counterproductive to take some time out when you’re bogged down with commitments, it’s actually being away from our screens, tasks, and to-do lists and doing something other than, that that will make us more efficient and focused when we finally return to them.

Please join us in our upcoming floral workshop and bring a friend along on
Saturday 9 September from 2-3:30 PM at Temperance Society Cafe. Bring a friend and receive 15% OFF when you book.

Email us at hello@laflorista.com.au to secure your spot.


la florista is a Melbourne-based pop-up flower cart business. We offer a ‘build your own bouquet’ flower bar experience and assist with events, brand activations, and private gatherings.


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How to keep your flowers looking fresh & fab