I must have flowers, always & always.


I’ve always enjoyed being creative and beyond the 9-5 work cubicle I knew I needed a creative outlet to refocus my energy. 

It was during lockdowns I rediscovered my love for flowers.

Flowers became a soothing medium to calm the soul, as a form of art, creating mindfulness in a fast-paced world.

I have regularly bought flowers for myself to create arrangements purely because it has given me joy to see my creations come to life and the positive impact it has made on my mood and well-being.

This epiphany was the catalyst that led me to launch la florista to bring much-needed joy to individuals every day.

I wanted to pay homage to my grandmother Angelina by naming my flower cart after her. She was an embodiment of resourcefulness, creativity, and strength.

Her life taught me the significance of taking care of oneself and pursuing activities that bring happiness.

Remember, to follow your bliss.

Keep blooming

Keep blooming