How to beat the winter blues with flowers.

Doona weather is here.

And if you’re not a winter person, the days and nights can drag on and on, coupled with Melbourne’s temperamental weather, it can be unforgivingly dreary.

The term ‘winter blues’ or seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a real thing and it affects millions of people each year.

If you find yourself lacking in motivation to get out of bed, you have a loss of appetite and the simple pleasures you usually love are not making you warm and fuzzy, it’s time to do something about it.

There are many ways we can combat the winter blues and make it slightly bearable, here are some of our tips:

  • Colour your world: As Melburnians, we love to dress in all-black clothing - add some colour to your everyday outfits instead of choosing muted colours.

  • Keep moving – exercise whether it be a brisk 20-minute walk around the block can be very helpful. Walk to get your coffee instead of jumping in your car, and remember fresh air is always a good idea.

  • Be your own interior stylist: Change up your home décor to make your space more inviting, light some candles and add more greenery, and flowers to ‘brighten up’ your area.

  • Eat healthy – cook a hearty meal and share it with loved ones to make it that more enjoyable.

  • Visit your friends & family - a chat with loved ones and a good laugh could be just what you need. Don’t isolate yourself during this season.

  • Put on some upbeat music – Music can lift our moods whether we’re WFH or in the office. Why not create your very own playlist?

  • Brighten your home with blooms: From boosting mood to lowering stress, several studies over the years have found that flowers can help improve your mental health by triggering happy brain chemicals such as dopamine, serotonin, and the love hormone, oxytocin. Colour therapists, AKA chromatherapists, also argue that different colours correspond with different vibrations throughout the body. If things are a little off chemically, science says that everything can be treated by exposing your eyes to colourful stimuli.

  • Relaxation or mindfulness techniques. Try practicing some mindfulness for about 30 minutes a day. There are so many mindfulness apps you can try. I have personally tried this one.

  • Start a new hobby: Have you considered looking into a new hobby or attending a workshop you’ve never done before? It could be a great place to meet like-minded people and get creative. How about a floral arranging workshop?

    Flowers open windows to creativity and often encourage a person’s imagination when exposed to flowers on a regular basis.  Some of our greatest artists of all time like Van Gogh surrounded himself regularly with flowers in order to find inspiration for his work.

    We will be announcing our upcoming workshop soon, so please visit our website to learn more and book your spot. Bring a friend and you will receive 15% off when you book. 


la florista is a Melbourne-based pop-up flower cart business. We offer a ‘build your own bouquet’ flower bar experience and assist with events, brand activations, and private gatherings.


Following my bliss. My floral journey.


Why you need a flower cart at your next event.